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// FILE: i2c.h
// TITLE: C28x I2C driver.
// $Copyright:
// Copyright (C) 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
// its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
// $
#ifndef I2C_H
#define I2C_H
// If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header
// have a C binding.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
//! \addtogroup i2c_api I2C
//! @{
#include "inc/hw_i2c.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "hw_reg_inclusive_terminology.h"
// Defines for the API.
// I2C Controller commands.
#define I2C_CONTROLLER_SEND_MODE 0x0600U //!< Controller-transmitter mode
#define I2C_CONTROLLER_RECEIVE_MODE 0x0400U //!< Controller-receiver mode
#define I2C_TARGET_SEND_MODE 0x0200U //!< Target-transmitter mode
#define I2C_TARGET_RECEIVE_MODE 0x0000U //!< Target-receiver mode
#define I2C_REPEAT_MODE 0x0080U //!< Only applies to Controller mode
#define I2C_START_BYTE_MODE 0x0010U //!< Enable start byte mode
#define I2C_FREE_DATA_FORMAT 0x0008U //!< Enable free data (no addr) format
// I2C interrupts for use with the intFlags parameter of I2C_enableInterrupt(),
// I2C_disableInterrupt(), and I2C_clearInterruptStatus() and to be returned by
// I2C_getInterruptStatus().
#define I2C_INT_ARB_LOST 0x00001U //!< Arbitration-lost interrupt
#define I2C_INT_NO_ACK 0x00002U //!< NACK interrupt
#define I2C_INT_REG_ACCESS_RDY 0x00004U //!< Register-access-ready interrupt
#define I2C_INT_RX_DATA_RDY 0x00008U //!< Receive-data-ready interrupt
#define I2C_INT_TX_DATA_RDY 0x00010U //!< Transmit-data-ready interrupt
#define I2C_INT_STOP_CONDITION 0x00020U //!< Stop condition detected
#define I2C_INT_ADDR_TARGET 0x00200U //!< Addressed as target interrupt
#define I2C_INT_RXFF 0x10000U //!< RX FIFO level interrupt
#define I2C_INT_TXFF 0x20000U //!< TX FIFO level interrupt
// Helpful define to mask out the bits in the I2CSTR register that aren't
// associated with interrupts.
#define I2C_STR_INTMASK ((uint16_t)I2C_INT_ARB_LOST | \
(uint16_t)I2C_INT_NO_ACK | \
(uint16_t)I2C_INT_REG_ACCESS_RDY | \
(uint16_t)I2C_INT_RX_DATA_RDY | \
(uint16_t)I2C_INT_TX_DATA_RDY | \
(uint16_t)I2C_INT_STOP_CONDITION | \
// Flags for use as the stsFlags parameter of I2C_clearStatus() and to be
// returned by I2C_getStatus().
#define I2C_STS_ARB_LOST 0x0001U //!< Arbitration-lost
#define I2C_STS_NO_ACK 0x0002U //!< No-acknowledgment (NACK)
#define I2C_STS_REG_ACCESS_RDY 0x0004U //!< Register-access-ready (ARDY)
#define I2C_STS_RX_DATA_RDY 0x0008U //!< Receive-data-ready
#define I2C_STS_TX_DATA_RDY 0x0010U //!< Transmit-data-ready
#define I2C_STS_STOP_CONDITION 0x0020U //!< Stop condition detected
#define I2C_STS_ADDR_ZERO 0x0100U //!< Address of all zeros detected
#define I2C_STS_ADDR_TARGET 0x0200U //!< Addressed as target
#define I2C_STS_TX_EMPTY 0x0400U //!< Transmit shift register empty
#define I2C_STS_RX_FULL 0x0800U //!< Receive shift register full
#define I2C_STS_BUS_BUSY 0x1000U //!< Bus busy, wait for STOP or reset
#define I2C_STS_NACK_SENT 0x2000U //!< NACK was sent
#define I2C_STS_TARGET_DIR 0x4000U //!< Addressed as target transmitter
//! I2C interrupts to be returned by I2C_getInterruptSource().
typedef enum
I2C_INTSRC_NONE, //!< No interrupt pending
I2C_INTSRC_ARB_LOST, //!< Arbitration-lost interrupt
I2C_INTSRC_NO_ACK, //!< NACK interrupt
I2C_INTSRC_REG_ACCESS_RDY, //!< Register-access-ready interrupt
I2C_INTSRC_RX_DATA_RDY, //!< Receive-data-ready interrupt
I2C_INTSRC_TX_DATA_RDY, //!< Transmit-data-ready interrupt
I2C_INTSRC_STOP_CONDITION, //!< Stop condition detected
I2C_INTSRC_ADDR_TARGET //!< Addressed as target interrupt
} I2C_InterruptSource;
//! Values that can be passed to I2C_setFIFOInterruptLevel() as the \e txLevel
//! parameter, returned by I2C_getFIFOInterruptLevel() in the \e txLevel
//! parameter, and returned by I2C_getTxFIFOStatus().
typedef enum
I2C_FIFO_TXEMPTY = 0x0000U, //!< Transmit FIFO empty
I2C_FIFO_TX0 = 0x0000U, //!< Transmit FIFO empty
I2C_FIFO_TX1 = 0x0001U, //!< Transmit FIFO 1/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX2 = 0x0002U, //!< Transmit FIFO 2/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX3 = 0x0003U, //!< Transmit FIFO 3/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX4 = 0x0004U, //!< Transmit FIFO 4/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX5 = 0x0005U, //!< Transmit FIFO 5/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX6 = 0x0006U, //!< Transmit FIFO 6/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX7 = 0x0007U, //!< Transmit FIFO 7/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX8 = 0x0008U, //!< Transmit FIFO 8/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX9 = 0x0009U, //!< Transmit FIFO 9/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX10 = 0x000AU, //!< Transmit FIFO 10/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX11 = 0x000BU, //!< Transmit FIFO 11/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX12 = 0x000CU, //!< Transmit FIFO 12/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX13 = 0x000DU, //!< Transmit FIFO 13/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX14 = 0x000EU, //!< Transmit FIFO 14/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX15 = 0x000FU, //!< Transmit FIFO 15/16 full
I2C_FIFO_TX16 = 0x0010U, //!< Transmit FIFO full
I2C_FIFO_TXFULL = 0x0010U //!< Transmit FIFO full
} I2C_TxFIFOLevel;
//! Values that can be passed to I2C_setFIFOInterruptLevel() as the \e rxLevel
//! parameter, returned by I2C_getFIFOInterruptLevel() in the \e rxLevel
//! parameter, and returned by I2C_getRxFIFOStatus().
typedef enum
I2C_FIFO_RXEMPTY = 0x0000U, //!< Receive FIFO empty
I2C_FIFO_RX0 = 0x0000U, //!< Receive FIFO empty
I2C_FIFO_RX1 = 0x0001U, //!< Receive FIFO 1/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX2 = 0x0002U, //!< Receive FIFO 2/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX3 = 0x0003U, //!< Receive FIFO 3/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX4 = 0x0004U, //!< Receive FIFO 4/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX5 = 0x0005U, //!< Receive FIFO 5/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX6 = 0x0006U, //!< Receive FIFO 6/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX7 = 0x0007U, //!< Receive FIFO 7/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX8 = 0x0008U, //!< Receive FIFO 8/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX9 = 0x0009U, //!< Receive FIFO 9/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX10 = 0x000AU, //!< Receive FIFO 10/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX11 = 0x000BU, //!< Receive FIFO 11/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX12 = 0x000CU, //!< Receive FIFO 12/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX13 = 0x000DU, //!< Receive FIFO 13/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX14 = 0x000EU, //!< Receive FIFO 14/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX15 = 0x000FU, //!< Receive FIFO 15/16 full
I2C_FIFO_RX16 = 0x0010U, //!< Receive FIFO full
I2C_FIFO_RXFULL = 0x0010U //!< Receive FIFO full
} I2C_RxFIFOLevel;
//! Values that can be passed to I2C_setBitCount() as the \e size parameter.
typedef enum
I2C_BITCOUNT_1 = 1U, //!< 1 bit per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_2 = 2U, //!< 2 bits per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_3 = 3U, //!< 3 bits per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_4 = 4U, //!< 4 bits per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_5 = 5U, //!< 5 bits per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_6 = 6U, //!< 6 bits per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_7 = 7U, //!< 7 bits per data byte
I2C_BITCOUNT_8 = 0U //!< 8 bits per data byte
} I2C_BitCount;
//! Values that can be passed to I2C_setAddressMode() as the \e mode parameter.
typedef enum
I2C_ADDR_MODE_7BITS = 0x0000U, //!< 7-bit address
I2C_ADDR_MODE_10BITS = 0x0100U //!< 10-bit address
} I2C_AddressMode;
//! Values that can be passed to I2C_setEmulationMode() as the \e mode
//! parameter.
typedef enum
//! If SCL is low, keep it low. If high, stop when it goes low again.
//! Continue I2C operation regardless
} I2C_EmulationMode;
//! Values that can be passed to I2C_initController() as the \e dutyCycle
//! parameter.
typedef enum
I2C_DUTYCYCLE_33, //!< Clock duty cycle is 33%
I2C_DUTYCYCLE_50 //!< Clock duty cycle is 55%
} I2C_DutyCycle;
// Prototypes for the APIs.
//! \internal
//! Checks an I2C base address.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function determines if a I2C module base address is valid.
//! \return Returns \b true if the base address is valid and \b false
//! otherwise.
#ifdef DEBUG
static inline bool
I2C_isBaseValid(uint32_t base)
(base == I2CA_BASE) ||
(base == I2CB_BASE)
//! Enables the I2C module.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function enables operation of the I2C module.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_enableModule(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) |= I2C_MDR_IRS;
//! Disables the I2C module.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function disables operation of the I2C module.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_disableModule(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) &= ~(I2C_MDR_IRS);
//! Enables the transmit and receive FIFOs.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This functions enables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the I2C.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_enableFIFO(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Enable the FIFO.
//! Disables the transmit and receive FIFOs.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This functions disables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the I2C.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_disableFIFO(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Disable the FIFO.
//! Sets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param txLevel is the transmit FIFO interrupt level, specified as
//! \b I2C_FIFO_TX0, \b I2C_FIFO_TX1, \b I2C_FIFO_TX2, . . . or
//! \b I2C_FIFO_TX16.
//! \param rxLevel is the receive FIFO interrupt level, specified as
//! \b I2C_FIFO_RX0, \b I2C_FIFO_RX1, \b I2C_FIFO_RX2, . . . or
//! \b I2C_FIFO_RX16.
//! This function sets the FIFO level at which transmit and receive interrupts
//! are generated. The transmit FIFO interrupt flag will be set when the FIFO
//! reaches a value less than or equal to \e txLevel. The receive FIFO
//! flag will be set when the FIFO reaches a value greater than or equal to
//! \e rxLevel.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setFIFOInterruptLevel(uint32_t base, I2C_TxFIFOLevel txLevel,
I2C_RxFIFOLevel rxLevel)
// Check the arguments.
// Set the FIFO interrupt levels.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFTX) = (HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFTX) &
(~I2C_FFTX_TXFFIL_M)) | (uint16_t)txLevel;
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFRX) = (HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFRX) &
(~I2C_FFRX_RXFFIL_M)) | (uint16_t)rxLevel;
//! Gets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param txLevel is a pointer to storage for the transmit FIFO level,
//! returned as one of \b I2C_FIFO_TX0, \b I2C_FIFO_TX1,
//! \b I2C_FIFO_TX2, . . . or \b I2C_FIFO_TX16.
//! \param rxLevel is a pointer to storage for the receive FIFO level,
//! returned as one of \b I2C_FIFO_RX0, \b I2C_FIFO_RX1,
//! \b I2C_FIFO_RX2, . . . or \b I2C_FIFO_RX16.
//! This function gets the FIFO level at which transmit and receive interrupts
//! are generated. The transmit FIFO interrupt flag will be set when the FIFO
//! reaches a value less than or equal to \e txLevel. The receive FIFO
//! flag will be set when the FIFO reaches a value greater than or equal to
//! \e rxLevel.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_getFIFOInterruptLevel(uint32_t base, I2C_TxFIFOLevel *txLevel,
I2C_RxFIFOLevel *rxLevel)
// Check the arguments.
// Extract the transmit and receive FIFO levels.
*txLevel = (I2C_TxFIFOLevel)(HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFTX) &
*rxLevel = (I2C_RxFIFOLevel)(HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFRX) &
//! Get the transmit FIFO status
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function gets the current number of words in the transmit FIFO.
//! \return Returns the current number of words in the transmit FIFO specified
//! as one of the following:
//! \b I2C_FIFO_TX0, \b I2C_FIFO_TX1, \b I2C_FIFO_TX2, \b I2C_FIFO_TX3,
//! ..., or \b I2C_FIFO_TX16
static inline I2C_TxFIFOLevel
I2C_getTxFIFOStatus(uint32_t base)
uint16_t level;
// Check the arguments.
// Get the current FIFO status
level = ((HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFTX) & I2C_FFTX_TXFFST_M) >>
//! Get the receive FIFO status
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function gets the current number of words in the receive FIFO.
//! \return Returns the current number of words in the receive FIFO specified
//! as one of the following:
//! \b I2C_FIFO_RX0, \b I2C_FIFO_RX1, \b I2C_FIFO_RX2, \b I2C_FIFO_RX3,
//! ..., or \b I2C_FIFO_RX16
static inline I2C_RxFIFOLevel
I2C_getRxFIFOStatus(uint32_t base)
uint16_t level;
// Check the arguments.
// Get the current FIFO status
level = ((HWREGH(base + I2C_O_FFRX) & I2C_FFRX_RXFFST_M) >>
//! Reads I2C Module clock prescaler value.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function reads the I2C prescaler value which configures the I2C module
//! clock by dividing down the SYSCLK. I2C_MODULE_CLK = SYSCLK / (I2CPSC + )
//! \return Returns the I2C prescaler(I2CPSC) cast as an uint16_t.
static inline uint16_t
I2C_getPreScaler(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Return the contents of the Prescaler register.
return(HWREGH(base + I2C_O_PSC));
//! Sets the address that the I2C Controller places on the bus.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param targetAddr 7-bit or 10-bit target address
//! This function configures the address that the I2C Controller places on the bus
//! when initiating a transaction.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setTargetAddress(uint32_t base, uint16_t targetAddr)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(targetAddr <= I2C_TAR_TAR_M);
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_TAR) = targetAddr;
//! Sets the own address for this I2C module.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C Target module.
//! \param Addr is the 7-bit or 10-bit address
//! This function writes the specified address.
//! The parameter \e Addr is the value that is compared against the
//! target address sent by an I2C controller.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setOwnAddress(uint32_t base, uint16_t Addr)
// Check the arguments.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_OAR) = Addr;
//! Indicates whether or not the I2C bus is busy.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function returns an indication of whether or not the I2C bus is busy.
//! This function can be used in a multi-controller environment to determine if the
//! bus is free for another data transfer.
//! \return Returns \b true if the I2C bus is busy; otherwise, returns
//! \b false.
static inline bool
I2C_isBusBusy(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
return((HWREGH(base + I2C_O_STR) & I2C_STR_BB) == I2C_STR_BB);
//! Gets the current I2C module status.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function returns the status for the I2C module.
//! \return The current module status, enumerated as a bit field of
//! - \b I2C_STS_ARB_LOST - Arbitration-lost
//! - \b I2C_STS_NO_ACK - No-acknowledgment (NACK)
//! - \b I2C_STS_REG_ACCESS_RDY - Register-access-ready (ARDY)
//! - \b I2C_STS_RX_DATA_RDY - Receive-data-ready
//! - \b I2C_STS_TX_DATA_RDY - Transmit-data-ready
//! - \b I2C_STS_STOP_CONDITION - Stop condition detected
//! - \b I2C_STS_ADDR_ZERO - Address of all zeros detected
//! - \b I2C_STS_ADDR_TARGET - Addressed as Target
//! - \b I2C_STS_TX_EMPTY - Transmit shift register empty
//! - \b I2C_STS_RX_FULL - Receive shift register full
//! - \b I2C_STS_BUS_BUSY - Bus busy, wait for STOP or reset
//! - \b I2C_STS_NACK_SENT - NACK was sent
//! - \b I2C_STS_TARGET_DIR- Addressed as Target transmitter
static inline uint16_t
I2C_getStatus(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Return contents of the status register
return(HWREGH(base + I2C_O_STR));
//! Clears I2C status flags.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param stsFlags is a bit mask of the status flags to be cleared.
//! This function clears the specified I2C status flags. The \e stsFlags
//! parameter is the logical OR of the following values:
//! - \b I2C_STS_ARB_LOST
//! - \b I2C_STS_NO_ACK,
//! - \b I2C_STS_RX_DATA_RDY
//! - \b I2C_STS_NACK_SENT
//! \note Note that some of the status flags returned by I2C_getStatus() cannot
//! be cleared by this function. Some may only be cleared by hardware or a
//! reset of the I2C module.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_clearStatus(uint32_t base, uint16_t stsFlags)
// Check the arguments.
// Write to the status registers to clear them.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_STR) = stsFlags;
//! Controls the state of the I2C module.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param config is the command to be issued to the I2C module.
//! This function is used to control the state of the controller and target send and
//! receive operations. The \e config is a logical OR of the following options.
//! One of the following four options:
//! - \b I2C_CONTROLLER_SEND_MODE - Controller-transmitter mode
//! - \b I2C_CONTROLLER_RECEIVE_MODE - Controller-receiver mode
//! - \b I2C_TARGET_SEND_MODE - Target-transmitter mode
//! - \b I2C_TARGET_RECEIVE_MODE - Target-receiver mode
//! Any of the following:
//! - \b I2C_REPEAT_MODE - Sends data until stop bit is set, ignores data count
//! - \b I2C_START_BYTE_MODE - Use start byte mode
//! - \b I2C_FREE_DATA_FORMAT - Use free data format, transfers have no address
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setConfig(uint32_t base, uint16_t config)
// Check the arguments.
// Write the selected options to the mode register.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) = (HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) &
I2C_MDR_STB | I2C_MDR_FDF)) | config;
//! Sets the data byte bit count the I2C module.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param size is the number of bits per data byte.
//! The \e size parameter is a value I2C_BITCOUNT_x where x is the number of
//! bits per data byte. The default and maximum size is 8 bits.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setBitCount(uint32_t base, I2C_BitCount size)
// Check the arguments.
// Write the selected options to the mode register.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) = (HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) & ~I2C_MDR_BC_M) |
//! Issues an I2C START condition.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function causes the I2C module to generate a start condition. This
//! function is only valid when the I2C module specified by the \b base
//! parameter is a controller.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_sendStartCondition(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Set the START condition bit.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) |= I2C_MDR_STT;
//! Issues an I2C STOP condition.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function causes the I2C module to generate a stop condition. This
//! function is only valid when the I2C module specified by the \b base
//! parameter is a controller.
//! To check on the status of the STOP condition, I2C_getStopConditionStatus()
//! can be used.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_sendStopCondition(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Set the STOP condition bit.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) |= I2C_MDR_STP;
//! Issues a no-acknowledge (NACK) bit.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function causes the I2C module to generate a NACK bit. This is only
//! applicable when the I2C module is acting as a receiver.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_sendNACK(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Set the NACK mode bit.
//! Receives a byte that has been sent to the I2C.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function reads a byte of data from the I2C Data Receive Register.
//! \return Returns the byte received from by the I2C cast as an uint16_t.
static inline uint16_t
I2C_getData(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Return the contents of the receive register.
return(HWREGH(base + I2C_O_DRR));
//! Transmits a byte from the I2C.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param data is the data to be transmitted from the I2C Controller.
//! This function places the supplied data into I2C Data Transmit Register.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_putData(uint32_t base, uint16_t data)
// Check the arguments.
// Place the data into the transmit register.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_DXR) = data;
//! Get stop condition status.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function reads and returns the stop condition bit status.
//! \return Returns \b true if the STP bit has been set by the device to
//! generate a stop condition when the internal data counter of the I2C module
//! has reached 0. Returns \b false when the STP bit is zero. This bit is
//! automatically cleared after the stop condition has been generated.
static inline bool
I2C_getStopConditionStatus(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Check the stop condition bit and return appropriately.
return((HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) & I2C_MDR_STP) != 0U);
//! Set number of bytes to be to transfer or receive when repeat mode is off.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param count is the value to be put in the I2C data count register.
//! This function sets the number of bytes to transfer or receive when repeat
//! mode is off.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setDataCount(uint32_t base, uint16_t count)
// Check the arguments.
// Write the count value to the appropriate register.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_CNT) = count;
//! Sets the addressing mode to either 7-bit or 10-bit.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param mode is the address mode, 7-bit or 10-bit.
//! This function configures the I2C module for either a 7-bit address
//! (default) or a 10-bit address. The \e mode parameter configures the address
//! length to 10 bits when its value is \b I2C_ADDR_MODE_10BITS and 7 bits when
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setAddressMode(uint32_t base, I2C_AddressMode mode)
// Check the arguments.
// Write the appropriate value to the address expansion bit.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) = (HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) & ~I2C_MDR_XA) |
//! Sets I2C emulation mode.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param mode is the emulation mode.
//! This function sets the behavior of the I2C operation when an emulation
//! suspend occurs. The \e mode parameter can be one of the following:
//! - \b I2C_EMULATION_STOP_SCL_LOW - If SCL is low when the breakpoint occurs,
//! the I2C module stops immediately. If SCL is high, the I2C module waits
//! until SCL becomes low and then stops.
//! - \b I2C_EMULATION_FREE_RUN - I2C operation continues regardless of a
//! the suspend.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_setEmulationMode(uint32_t base, I2C_EmulationMode mode)
// Check the arguments.
// Write the desired emulation mode to the register.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) = (HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) & ~I2C_MDR_FREE) |
//! Enables I2C loopback mode.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function enables loopback mode. This mode is only valid during controller
//! mode and is helpful during device testing as it causes data transmitted out
//! of the data transmit register to be received in data receive register.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_enableLoopback(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Set the bit that enables loopback mode.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) |= I2C_MDR_DLB;
//! Disables I2C loopback mode.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function disables loopback mode. Loopback mode is disabled by default
//! after reset.
//! \return None.
static inline void
I2C_disableLoopback(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Clear the bit that enables loopback mode.
HWREGH(base + I2C_O_MDR) &= ~I2C_MDR_DLB;
//! Returns the current I2C interrupt source.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function returns the event that generated an I2C basic (non-FIFO)
//! interrupt. The possible sources are the following:
//! - \b I2C_INTSRC_NONE
//! - \b I2C_INTSRC_NO_ACK
//! Calling this function will result in hardware automatically clearing the
//! current interrupt code and if ready, loading the next pending enabled
//! interrupt. It will also clear the corresponding interrupt flag if the
//! source is \b I2C_INTSRC_ARB_LOST, \b I2C_INTSRC_NO_ACK, or
//! \note Note that this function differs from I2C_getInterruptStatus() in that
//! it returns a single interrupt source. I2C_getInterruptSource() will return
//! the status of all interrupt flags possible, including the flags that aren't
//! necessarily enabled to generate interrupts.
//! \return None.
static inline I2C_InterruptSource
I2C_getInterruptSource(uint32_t base)
// Check the arguments.
// Return the interrupt source value
return((I2C_InterruptSource)(HWREGH(base + I2C_O_ISRC) &
//! Initializes the I2C Controller.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param sysclkHz is the rate of the clock supplied to the I2C module
//! (SYSCLK) in Hz.
//! \param bitRate is the rate of the controller clock signal, SCL.
//! \param dutyCycle is duty cycle of the SCL signal.
//! This function initializes operation of the I2C Controller by configuring the
//! bus speed for the controller. Note that the I2C module \b must be put into
//! reset before calling this function. You can do this with the function
//! I2C_disableModule().
//! A programmable prescaler in the I2C module divides down the input clock
//! (rate specified by \e sysclkHz) to produce the module clock (calculated to
//! be around 10 MHz in this function). That clock is then divided down further
//! to configure the SCL signal to run at the rate specified by \e bitRate. The
//! \e dutyCycle parameter determines the percentage of time high and time low
//! on the clock signal. The valid values are \b I2C_DUTYCYCLE_33 for 33% and
//! \b I2C_DUTYCYCLE_50 for 50%.
//! The peripheral clock is the system clock. This value is returned by
//! SysCtl_getClock(), or it can be explicitly hard coded if it is
//! constant and known (to save the code/execution overhead of a call to
//! SysCtl_getClock()).
//! \return None.
extern void
I2C_initController(uint32_t base, uint32_t sysclkHz, uint32_t bitRate,
I2C_DutyCycle dutyCycle);
//! Enables I2C interrupt sources.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param intFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled.
//! This function enables the indicated I2C Controller interrupt sources. Only the
//! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt.
//! Disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! The \e intFlags parameter is the logical OR of any of the following:
//! - \b I2C_INT_ARB_LOST - Arbitration-lost interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_NO_ACK - No-acknowledgment (NACK) interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_REG_ACCESS_RDY - Register-access-ready interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_RX_DATA_RDY - Receive-data-ready interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_TX_DATA_RDY - Transmit-data-ready interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_STOP_CONDITION - Stop condition detected
//! - \b I2C_INT_ADDR_TARGET - Addressed as target interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_RXFF - RX FIFO level interrupt
//! - \b I2C_INT_TXFF - TX FIFO level interrupt
//! \note \b I2C_INT_RXFF and \b I2C_INT_TXFF are associated with the I2C FIFO
//! interrupt vector. All others are associated with the I2C basic interrupt.
//! \return None.
extern void
I2C_enableInterrupt(uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags);
//! Disables I2C interrupt sources.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param intFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
//! This function disables the indicated I2C Target interrupt sources. Only
//! the sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt.
//! Disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! The \e intFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e intFlags
//! parameter to I2C_enableInterrupt().
//! \return None.
extern void
I2C_disableInterrupt(uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags);
//! Gets the current I2C interrupt status.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! This function returns the interrupt status for the I2C module.
//! \return The current interrupt status, enumerated as a bit field of
//! - \b I2C_INT_ARB_LOST
//! - \b I2C_INT_NO_ACK
//! - \b I2C_INT_RX_DATA_RDY
//! - \b I2C_INT_TX_DATA_RDY
//! - \b I2C_INT_RXFF
//! - \b I2C_INT_TXFF
//! \note This function will only return the status flags associated with
//! interrupts. However, a flag may be set even if its corresponding interrupt
//! is disabled.
extern uint32_t
I2C_getInterruptStatus(uint32_t base);
//! Clears I2C interrupt sources.
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param intFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared.
//! The specified I2C interrupt sources are cleared, so that they no longer
//! assert. This function must be called in the interrupt handler to keep the
//! interrupt from being triggered again immediately upon exit.
//! The \e intFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e intFlags
//! parameter to I2C_enableInterrupt().
//! \note \b I2C_INT_RXFF and \b I2C_INT_TXFF are associated with the I2C FIFO
//! interrupt vector. All others are associated with the I2C basic interrupt.
//! \note Also note that some of the status flags returned by
//! I2C_getInterruptStatus() cannot be cleared by this function. Some may only
//! be cleared by hardware or a reset of the I2C module.
//! \return None.
extern void
I2C_clearInterruptStatus(uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags);
//! Configures I2C Module Clock Frequency
//! \param base is the base address of the I2C instance used.
//! \param sysclkHz is the rate of the clock supplied to the I2C module
//! (SYSCLK) in Hz.
//! This function configures I2C module clock frequency by initializing
//! prescale register based on SYSCLK frequency.
//! Note that the I2C module \b must be put into
//! reset before calling this function. You can do this with the function
//! I2C_disableModule().
//! \return None.
extern void
I2C_configureModuleFrequency(uint32_t base, uint32_t sysclkHz);
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}
// Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // I2C_H